Name: Gast
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Gold: 1800
Forum  News  Highscore  Dragopedia  11.03.2025 12:21:56 Uhr

Beweise Dich als meisterhafter Stratege, schlauer Händler und kluger Herrscher in Dragosien, dem Land der Drachen.

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Profil von IRON MAIDEN aus Michahelsien.
<b>IRON MAIDEN</b> ist ein erfahrener, erwachsener Drache.

IRON MAIDEN ♀ (1638 Punkte, 1015 Elo)

IRON MAIDEN ist ein erfahrener, erwachsener Drache.


Alagos   Aurelia  

Keoki   Iron aangei  

Besondere Stärken:

1 gewonnen, 0 verloren

0 Gäste haben heute ungefähr 0 Geschenke verteilt
Won't you come into my room,
I wanna show you all my wares.
Want to see your blood,
Want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow
as it pours upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be fought,
Iron Maiden can't be sought.

Oh Well, wherever,
Wherever you are,
Iron Maiden's gonna get you,
No matter how far.
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head.
Iron Maiden wants you for dead.

Won't you come into my room,I wanna show you all my wares.
I just want to see your blood,
I just want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow
As it pours upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be fought,
Iron Maiden can't be sought.

Oh Well, wherever,
Wherever you are,
Iron Maiden's gonna get you,
No matter how far.
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head.
Iron Maiden wants you for dead.

Won't you come into my room,
I wanna show you all my wares.
I just want to see your blood,
I just want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow
As it pours upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be fought,
Iron Maiden can't be sought.
Oh Well, wherever,
Wherever you are,
Iron Maiden's gonna get you,
No matter how far.
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head.
Iron Maiden wants you for dead!
